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October 12 Card of the Day

October 12 Card of the Day = 10♣️ The 10♣️ is the "Mental Achievement" card, it also sits in the crown line so these individuals are primed for fame, recognition, and large scale success. The greatest success usually comes along mental lines--communications, writing, speaking etc (all ♣️keywords). 10♣️'s are very creative and have an affinity for the arts. Cultivation of spiritual wisdom and philosophy greatly enhances their happiness in life. The greatest challenge is deciding what will satisfy them and which way to go about manifesting it. The thing that separates the 10♣️who is the epitome of success and those who feel they're stuck in limbo is CLEARLY DEFINED GOALS ! With a clear mental projection of goals, proper use of intelligence, creativity, and a willingness to work, there are few things the 10♣️can't achieve. The Libra 10♣️born October 12 has the mighty mighty K♠️as their personality card. This adds power, magnetism, and leadership to the persona. With both cards in the crown line the ♎️10♣️ can be stubborn and unwilling to deal with restrictions placed on them by others. Logic, reasoning, and perspective should be taught /developed as a means to help balance the emotional nature of these natives. The♎️10♣️may be a little on the bossy side at times but ultimately they are friendly, fun loving, and always down to party. #AllHandsOnDeck ☀️ ✌🏾️ #Decklife44 #tenofclubs #October #Libra #Astrology #Numerology #DestinyCards #tarot #Playingcards #dailyhoroscope #happybirthday #cardscience #metaphysics #birthcard #tenofclubscard #tenofclubsmeaning 

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