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October 11 Card of the Day J♣️

October 11 Card of the Day = Libra J♣️ J♣️️️is the card of Mental(♣️) Creativity(J). J♣️ individual has an extraordinary memory and a wealth of knowledge at their disposal. With such a progressive mind they may experience confusion or difficulty adjusting to social norms. Knowledge is their best weapon against obstacles in life. J♣️natives are generally fun-loving, and easy to be around. These individuals do best when the mind has free reign to create and explore. When you add all this creativity with the storehouse of information it can produce those who are dishonest and conniving. The J♣️is usually quite social, with the gift of gab and very resourceful. J♣️'s are quick witted and often skeptical, with shifting beliefs. They get a kick out of debating or arguing about what they believe. The Libra J♣️born October 11 has the 7♠️as their personality card. These individuals are friendly, popular, and intelligent. These natives are independent and have a strong desire to make money 🤑. The allure of money mixed with impulsiveness can often lead to dishonest action and many of these individuals learn a few lessons in these regards before they figure it out. The ♎️J♣️ is the consummate "Jack" of all trades and can commercialize one of their many skills into a profitable side hustle. All in all the ♎️J♣️is always up for a good time, or a good debate, these individuals are fun to be around and young at heart. #foreveryoung #AllHandsOnDeck ☀️ ✌🏾️ #Decklife44 #jackofclubs #october11 #Libra #Astrology #Numerology #DestinyCards #tarot #Playingcards #dailyhoroscope #happybirthday #cardscience #metaphysics #birthcard #jackofclubscard #jackofclubsmeaning

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