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October 10 Card of the Day Q♣️

October 10 Card of the Day = Libra Q♣️ The Q♣️ is the "Mother of Intuition" card. Q♣️ has an extremely active mind and has been blessed with the greatest spiritual gift that can be given--intuition! They are the most intuitive card in the deck, usually far ahead of their time. The Q♣️ has multiple 3's and 5's in their hand so indecision and change are a major theme and challenge for them, especially in regards to love and money. The Q♣️is so in tune with their surroundings that there is a tendency to be high strung and to stress very easily. Therefore they must watch out for overindulgence in negative behavior patterns. Q♣️️️️️️individuals benefit greatly from daily exercise and should take heed with their health and nutrition--physical, mental, and spiritual. Q♣️has a strong nurturing quality about them and a deep desire to be of service/benefit to humanity. The Libra Q♣️ born October 10 has the 5♣️ as their personality card this adds restlessness and ambition to the character. 5♣️ is a card of liberation(5) of thought (♣️) so these individuals will often go through a great deal of changes in their philosophy that often sets them apart from others and make them relatively difficult to figure out. The ♎️Q♣️is very ambition and can come off as less cooperative than other Librans. With the double ♣️'s strongly shaping these individuals; writing, speaking, and all forms of communication are favored. Art,Politics, Law, and religion are some common avenues of exploration. #AllHandsOnDeck ☀️ ✌🏾️ #Decklife44 #queenofclubs #October10 #Libra #Astrology #Numerology #DestinyCards #tarot #Playingcards #dailyhoroscope #happybirthday #cardscience #metaphysics #birthcard #queenofclubscard #queenofclubsmeaning

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