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Super Bowl 50 a Decks Perspective

Super Bowl 50 is swiftly approaching so we've decided to put the Wylie old vet Peyton Manning on deck! ♥️♣️♦️♠️ Manning is sure to have a major impact on the result of tomorrow's game so let's see exactly what the deal is. Manning was born March 24th making him a Aries Q♣️. Peyton is in the 7th and final 52 day cycle of his year (aka Neptune Period). Holding the K♠️ all year as his major theme card it would be expected he'd be able to command full control of his life and accomplish a great deal this year. The K♠️ represents mastery over your inner and outer environments so it was almost destined for him to reach the Super Bowl. Every year on your birthday you are dealt a new hand, these cards set the tone for the year ahead. Every year we have goals and desires, this is indicated by our Pluto/result cards; I think of them as the New Years resolution/pot of gold at the end of the tunnel influences. With the 5♠️Pluto card (desire for change in work/health) and the 5♦️result (change in finances or values) it's safe to say this may be Peyton's last go round. Will he go out in the blaze of glory, time will tell. Sunday February 7th will be Peyton's Saturn day and he has a 7♥️(his Saturn card) and a 9♦️(his Mars card) as major daily influences on the day of the Super Bowl. If he's going to be successful with this hand It will take a lot of sheer will and determination, but you can never rule out the K♠️ which is the most powerful influence in the deck. No matter what the result of tommorow's game we take our hats off to Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos organization on a great season.

Next up Cam Newton, born May 11 Newton is a Taurus 8♦️ so anyone who feels salty (mad, angered, etc) about his flamboyant style and how he plays the game, GET OVER IT he's just playing his card true to form. The 8♦️ is the famed Sun card and these individuals will shine like the sun wherever they focus their energy, Newton chose football and dabbing. Newton has been able to put forth a phenomenal season despite some serious changes going on in his personal relationships. With the 9♥️ card as the theme of his year there was sure to be some major endings in the area of emotions, romance, and relationships that may have challenged his focus, which is confirmed by his 3♣️ Pluto card. The 5♣️ result card indicates a change in the way he thinks, or communicates would lead him to a whole new belief system or philosophy on life which in turn would have a positive impact on his ability to successfully lead his team. So what does Newton have in store for the big day? Cam will be having a Jupiter day and will be holding a Q♣️(Jupiter card), 10♦️(Venus card), 5♣️(Uranus card), and 6♦️(Jupiter card) on the day of the Super Bowl. These cards are already found in Newtons pattern at birth so there is sure to be a strong element of karma for tomorrow's game. Will it be positive or negative karma? Tune in tomorrow for our final prediction...

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